When you research the products and suppliers in the render, paints and textures field, there is clearly only one product or brand that stands head and shoulders above all of the others.
Good reputations in the building industry are difficult to come by. The Dulux Acratex range of renders, textures and paints are simply the best performing products available. And Dulux are prepared to back this by their warranty system offers.
The reason they are better than the others is that the research and development carried out by Dulux Acratex on these products is second to none. The testing and research is more thorough and more stringent and it is for this reason they can fully back the performance of their products when applied by an accredited applicator.
Ultimately, you as the consumer benefit because if a product performs better, it also lasts longer. Getting an extra five years out of a quality system such as Dulux Acratex, gives you massive savings over your lifetime.
Render My Home use only Dulux Acratex on our projects, because they are simply the best.
Call Render My Home now on 0405 278 369.